Primary News

News from the Primary Coordinator

Dear Parents,

We have come to the end of our 2016 educational year and looking back at everything that we have accomplished makes me feel very proud and puts a smile on my face.

Our Year 6 students graduated on Tuesday the 29th of November and I was much honoured being part of it all. Listening to their speeches, including their reflections on their primary years and their ambitions was very rewarding and uplifting. Parents, you really should be proud of your children as they did an amazing job on the evening of their ceremony.

I wish all Year 6 students and their families all the very best and hope that their transition to Secondary will be a smooth one.

Looking back, our students took part in many amazing activities throughout the year and this term included going to IMAX to watch documentaries in which we could relate to with science topics we have been learning about in class. Some students were also involved in building billy carts, visiting science works and much more.

Another highlight was the Life Education Van we had visit our school. The Life Ed van provided health lessons for all year levels at our school focusing on healthy eating, exercise, looking after our bodies and medication. The students really enjoyed the visually interactive resources that were made available to them and they all enjoyed taking part in the discussions as a group.

We hope that next year will be full of enjoyable and exciting activities for our students and they will have lots of learning opportunities just like they did this year.

Please be informed that all students will find out which class they are in on the first day back at school. The first day back at school for all students is Thursday the 2nd of February.

We will also have a Meet the Primary Teachers which will be held on the second week of school on Wednesday the 8th of February. We are looking forward to meeting all of our new and existing parents.

I wish all families a safe and enjoyable holiday and hope that it is filled with lots of peace and joy.

I am looking forward to seeing everyone back in 2017.